Month: January 2009

  • Oxytocin and God

    I've been thinking about oxytocin lately. It's a peptide hormone produced in the posterior pituitary. It causes uterine contractions and the let down reflex in breastfeeding. (Which is why when I was stuck in labor with Aidan the midwife used a breast pump to keep things moving. I think it only worked because I was still breastfeeding Conall. But that's not what I was thinking about.)

    Oxytocin also acts as a neurotransmitter. It increases empathy and facilitates bonding between a mother and child. It's also released in lovemaking and promotes bonding between partners. I think it's fascinating that our creator and designer conceived of human relationships and built the mechanisms into our bodies. He thought of families and created in us the physical properties that would bring them about.

    What kind of God would conceive of human relationships and design his creation to love each other? Could he be some sort of autistic savant, brilliant in terms of scientific and mathematical details, but without tender feelings, without any interest in knowing and relating with his creation? It seems ridiculous to me to think that's the case. Only a creator with emotional capacities would bother to create them. Only someone who can love would give that gift to his creation.

    Carrie at FirstFarmerInstitute has an interesting comment below about how taking every thought captive affects our body chemistry. I am fascinated it all, and by the designs of God.