August 12, 2008

  • Myers Briggs

    I’ve been reading Myers Briggs stuff lately, and, as usual, it’s fascinating. I love it because it helps me understand why I do certain things, and because it also helps me understand others better, especially my kids and family.

    I first did the MBPTI in 8th grade, but up until now I didn’t really understand what it was! I mean, I knew it grouped everyone into different categories, and mine was INFJ, but although I understood that, and the little description it gave, I didn’t understand exactly why I was an INFJ and what that meant for me.

    Jung identified eight cognitive processes. They are:

    Extraverted Sensing – experiencing the immediate context, noticing things, being drawn to act.

    Introverted Sensing – remembering past experiences, seeking detailed information, accumulating data.

    Extraverted Intuition – interpreting situations, picking up meanings and interconnections, being drawn to possibilities.

    Introverted Intuition – foreseeing implications and likely effects, realizing “what will be”; envisioning transformations.

    Extraverted Thinking -Ordering; organizing for efficiency; systematizing; applying logic; setting boundaries; deciding if something is working or not.

    Introverted Thinking -Analyzing; categorizing; checking for inconsistencies; clarifying definitions to get more precision.

    Extraverted Feeling - Connecting; considering others and the group; maintaining societal values; adjusting and accommodating others.

    Introverted Feeling - Valuing; considering importance; reviewing for incongruity; evaluating something based on the truths on which it is based.

    What the Myers Briggs tells you is which ones of these are your strengths and which are your weaknesses. Or maybe, which are dominant and which are not, since sometimes your shifting into your dominant process can be a liability, if you really need to use one of the others.

    Four of these processes are considered primary, these are the ones most natural to you. Four are considered “shadow” processes, they’re the ones that are unnatural. It wasn’t a great revelation to me that my primary processes are Introverted Intuition and Extraverted Feeling. I realize that any time I’m alone I’m pretty much in “intuitive mode.” It’s kind of like a constant blog or conversation in my mind where I go over ideas that I’ve been exposed to. I like to let ideas slowly gather in my brain, make connections and theories and refine them. When I’m with others, I’m a feely kind of person. Makes me an awful disciplinarian, I know (sometimes I have to rely on my NT children for help here!) I like harmonious relationships and generally will sacrifice to keep the peace.

    On the other hand, my two shadow processes are Introverted Sensing and Introverted Feeling. These are a big trap for me when something negative happens. Introverted Sensing starts remembering and Introverted Feeling starts getting me down on myself. It’s a vicious cycle.

    I’m also applying this with my children and seeing where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Extraverted Sensing is right at the bottom for Brendan, and he has always been the most clueless person. It’s good to have an explanation for it – though some ideas for how to get him to the point where he can function in the real world would be good!

Comments (12)

  • That’s very interesting! The most important thing no matter what our personality is to make sure we’re glorifying God in all that we do – in all we do, say & think! Like I tend to procrastinate and get easily distracted, but I need to change that for God’s glory! And God willing I am making a lot of headway! :)

    Yeah, poor you with Kevin’s schedule being all over the place. I know
    it’s not easy. I know, a good idea is to schedule a Tesco delivery or
    something like that nice & early so you HAVE to be up & ready!

    Try for BBC online.

    know. It’s supposed to be nice at the North Coast today (according to
    the BBC weather chart) so Tim’s taking off the afternoon. We take every
    chance we can get for some sun!! It’s cloudy here in Newtownabbey.

    Hope you have a sunny day too! :)

  • Oye Vey–3AM sleep time?  Please sleep!  I like the Meyer’s Briggs too, except that I get confused answering some of the questions.  I veer between trying to identify myself on who I am and who I want to be.  And so 80% of the time, I am assessed as ENFJ and then when I think about who I want to be and am trying to be and am in the process of becoming, I am assessed as ISTJ.  Go figure.

  • Hey, what are you doing up so late?  I  did take this test awhile ago but I forgot what I was. LOL  An introverted something or other   When does Kevin return home?    Jenn

  • @rsernas - You’re probably very close on everything but the J! You might want to read the descriptions of the two personalities to see which fits you better. If I had to take a guess, I’d say you’re probably an ENFJ, though.

    I wish I could have been sleeping, but I was so cold that I could not fall asleep at all! I didn’t have a fever, but I’ve been dealing with a clogged milk duct, so it might have been that.

  • @jennathome - You’re an ISFJ – which means your dominant traits are introverted sensing, extraverted feeling, introverted thinking and extraverted intuition. (Yeah, we introverts have to stick together!)

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  • I’m surprised you remember!    Introverts unite !   Jenn

  • Hey, Danielle! I was really rushed with my last comment, so here are some more thoughts… I was thinking, God made us who we are and for a reason. It’s good everyone ISN’T the same, isn’t it? Otherwise the world would be pretty boring. ;)

    Okay, here’s their analysis of me (I wasn’t sure about some of the question but tried to answer the best I could! Most I could answer pretty easily though.)

    You are:

    <li>moderately expressed introvert<li>moderately expressed intuitive personality<li>moderately expressed feeling personality<li>moderately expressed judging personality

    So, it looks like I’m an INFJ too! Moderately expressed. That makes me sound too… moderate. ;)

    I was thinking with Brendan, he needs to capitalize on his strong points and work on developing more awareness of his surrounding situation for God’s glory. I am a bit like him in that I can often “zone out” and not hear or see certain things because I’m focusing too much on what I’m doing or thinking. I am trying to work on that, because it is glorifying to God to be more aware of my surroundings! It’s not easy for me, but I’m trying hard. And also I tend to not think practically enough in some situations, so I’m trying to work on that too. I’m working AGAINST my brain in these cases, but I’m doing it because I know it’s right. At the same time, I’m not stressing out about it but just praying & doing the best I can. :)

    I love you! Hope you’re doing well with all that packing! I love talking to you. I miss you. Maybe we can still get together sometime before you would have to leave Ireland.


  • @mary_e_davis - I was pretty sure you’d turn out to be an INFJ, too! I’m definitely one to zone out – but I prefer the term “using my introverted intuition!” It doesn’t sound quite so lazy!  (Not that it can’t be, sometimes!)

    I think you’re right with Brendan, in that he needs to have a basic level of functionality! Using our strengths is good, that’s why God made us all different, like you say!

    I don’t think we’re leaving Ireland now! Situation subject to change, but…

  • Good morning, Danielle!! (It’s cool we’re on the same time zone!)

    Yeah, I’m not surprised either. ;) I just have to be careful that I don’t zone out when it’s dangerous to do so – like, for instance, crossing roads. I’ve been known to almost cross in front of a car – thankfully it’s “only” happened a couple of times. ;P I also sometimes don’t hear when Tim’s calling me, or absent-mindedly park the trolley in the middle of the aisle when engrossed in talking to him about something. It shows you the strength of my zoning out at times!! I need to be more careful – esp. now having the responsibility of my children as well as myself! It’s can be hard though because I can zone out without really realising it! My teaching year it was even worse – I would zone out (frequently, I’m ashamed to admit!) even during conversations with a small group of people and not hear things that everyone thought I heard because I was physically there – pretty bad, eh?

    Hurray, I’m glad you are probably not leaving Ireland! I’m praying about it.

    Re your comment: Yeah, I the more I think about it the more I think it’s
    NOT the right diagnosis. But it still has made me over-analytical about
    my behavior at times, thinking am I acting normal? But I’ve always been
    one to get excited about things, laugh a lot, and that’s ME!

    he said I wasn’t manic-depressive, but still had a mood-swing disorder.
    Sounds fishily like a very mild version of manic-depressive to me. The
    medication he wanted to put me on is one given to people with epilepsy
    or manic-depression. Go figure…

    I hope my usual doctor DOESN’T agree with him…

    sounds like the layoff came at a good time! Is the Institute in Galway
    itself? I really really hope you can stay in Ireland! Though it’s been
    crazy with all this rain, hasn’t it? We had tons of flooding in our
    area, thankfully not around our house though.

    Hopefully I’ll get a good chance to blog later on today – lots to tell!

    Love you tons, hope you have a super day,

  • Introverted Sensing – remembering past experiences, seeking detailed information, accumulating data.

    That’s so me…I do those all the time.

  • I thought I was either crazy or immature for replaying stuff that happened a long time ago and still feeling it so strongly.

  • Good morning again! I just had to say it, haha, seeing as you’re probably up now (at 7:50 a.m.) How’s the packing going? Any further news? I hope you guys didn’t get any flooding. It’s another nice, rainy morning here. ;)

    I don’t completely understand my personality analysis. Do you know what are my dominate processes & shadow processes from the description they gave of me?

    Hope you have a great day, rain or shine!


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